Reserve Studies Incorporated

Since 1991, our team has succeeded in understanding the needs of the industry and creating reliable reports to serve them all.
RSI is a full-service, property-consulting company as well as a premier Reserve Study provider. Services offered include Reserve Studies, litigation support, property inspection, cost estimation, and budget analysis for residential and commercial developments as well as educational facilities and religious institutions.
RSI was established in 1991 when its founders recognized the three essential skills that are necessary to develop a reliable Reserve Study. These three skills—field inspection, cost estimating, and financial analysis—when performed by RSI’s professionally trained staff, result in a comprehensive report that portrays the current physical and financial conditions as well as the future needs of a property. RSI has the reputation of providing a quality product and for exceeding its clients’ expectations. We are one of the largest providers of Reserve Studies in the Western United States.

Scott Clements
Scott Clements is Chief Executive Officer of Reserve Studies Inc. Mr. Clements has a long and distinguished career in Reserve Studies and building inspection and analysis. He has personally performed thousands of property inspections, including services for reserve funding analysis, property purchase, construction defect litigation support, and cost estimation. He is the former Director of Technical Training and Support for the nation’s largest home inspection franchiser, AmeriSpec Inc. He has obtained multiple certifications in residential and commercial building inspection and Reserve Analysis.
Prior to purchasing an interest in RSI, Mr. Clements was Vice President of Inspectech Corporation—the West Coast’s largest property inspection company—with over 100 inspectors in 5 states. His five-year career in senior management included an increasing level of responsibilities. He developed the property inspector training, education, and certification curriculums, directed product offerings as well as quality control programs. He developed and managed the company’s Risk Management Department and managed in-house and out-sourced legal services. He served as the company’s industry analyst for the Mergers & Acquisition Department. He directed the Sales & Marketing Department and served as Regional Manager for the Northwest Region where he supervised all company operations.
During his career in building inspection he was elected twice by his peers and served two non-consecutive terms as President of the 700 member California Real Estate Inspection Association. He served as Co-Chairperson of the California Coalition of Home Inspectors, an industry advocate group in Sacramento representing three professional associations and over 2,000 members. He was awarded Chairman Emeritus status upon retiring from the industry in 2000.
Since entering the Reserve Analysis industry, Mr. Clements has authored numerous articles for common interest development industry publications—including Community Associations Institute (CAI) and the California Association of Community Managers (CACM). He has served on multiple CAI and CACM committees—including current appointments on the CAI-OC Education Committee as well as CACM Reserve Analysts Committee and as a CACM Faculty member. He is the co-author of the CACM Education Programs “Reserves: What, Why & How” and “Strategic Financial Planning”.
Scott has been awarded Educator of the Year by Community Associations Institute – Orange County, and was recognized with a Vision Award for Excellence in Service from the California Association of Community Managers.

Les Weinberg
Les Weinberg is a co-founder of Reserve Studies Incorporated and its Chief Financial Officer. His responsibilities include supervision of the costing, accounting, financial reporting and funding models of all work products. Additionally, he maintains oversight responsibility for the corporate office and support staff. He has over 39 years experience in budgeting, financial modeling, taxation and audits. He obtained his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Loyola Marymount University and a Bachelors degree in Accounting from California State University at Northridge. In addition, he has achieved the Community Associations Institute (CAI) National designation of Reserve Specialist (RS).
Mr. Weinberg is a well-regarded pioneer in the reserve industry, having co-founded one of the earliest firms servicing the common interest development community, Reserve Studies Inc., in 1991. He was instrumental in developing the standard of care recognized by CAI and APRA.
As an active member of CAI, he has served as Board Member and Officer for its Channel Islands and Greater Los Angeles Area Chapters, including serving on numerous committees and appointed positions. He is an accomplished expert witness in the fields of Reserve Studies and financial management in the Community Association Industry.