FINANCIAL INFORMATION SHEET Association Name FISCAL YEAR STUDY IS FOR: To # OF UNITS: a) Reserve balance per most recent financial statements: b) add: Anticipated reserve contributions (in total) for the rest of the fiscal year: c) subtract: Estimated reserve expenditures for the rest of the fiscal year: (Describe) (Describe) (Describe) d) Total: e) Monthly amount transferred to reserves f) Current monthly total assessment / "dues" (in total from all owners) g) Interest percentage on reserve funds (will assume 3% if not listed): If it goes to operating fund, check here → ip and it will not be included in reserve funding calculations h) Past significant reserve expenditures: Roof (all? partial?) Fumigation (all? partial?) Plumbing (all? partial?): Balcony Inspection (§5551/SB326): * provide a copy of the report, if available Other: i) Miscellaneous Information Completed By: PHONE:DATE: Δ